Empfang / Discover Alsace Bossue / Leisure activities / Cycle tourism

Cycle tourism

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Loc'bike & Trot

Loc'bike & Trot proposes a bike rental : for men, women and kids with all the necessary equipment. Mountain bikes (MTB) and electric bikes (E-bike). For everyone and every levels : beginners to experts. Rentals are possible for : half a day, a full day or many days. Possible delivery. Located in Waldhambach near the forest. The area has many possibilities that could make everyone enjoy the Alsace region and its nature discovery at its own pace. Enjoy beautiful walks, follow a course, either determinate or improvised, on marked paths, municipal roads to discover neighbouring villages or on bike paths.

Opening hours :
Du mardi au samedi de 8h à 12h et de 14h à 18h Fermé le lundi et le dimanche

Methods of payment :
Credit card

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