Further details / Discover Alsace Bossue / Leisure activities / Visit


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Gothic church Saint Gall
  • Gothic church Saint Gall
  • Gothic church Saint Gall
  • Gothic church Saint Gall

14th century protestant church. This church is one of the jewels of Alsatian gothic art. It was probably built by Henri, an illegitimate son of Count of Sarrewerden. Originaly Catholic it became protestant after the Reformation. The surrounding wall (which was higher formerly), and the fortified tower, show that it could be used in time of danger in the Middle Ages. The church remains largely in its original form with many original features. A staircaise inside leads you to the watchman's room in the tower !

Catering on spot :

Package visits offered :
Free visit
Guided tour for groups with reservation

Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche :

Location :
In the town/village centre

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